Thursday ‘Pahing’, May 13th 1993 ago, I was exactly born at 08.15 am in a big hospital in Semarang city, Karyadi hospital. My father’s said, I was 3,5 kg with length 40 cm, that’s normal for a new born baby.
Not a long time then, my parents, I Komang Sumardika and Rita Sri Purnami, gave their second child. Ayu Paramudita is my name. They said that Ayu meant beautiful for inner and outer, and then Paramudita was for being in the high settle.
About my big family, my father is a Balinese. He was born in Karangasem, Bali. I call his mom by “Ninik San” and his dad by “Yah Tut”. While my mother is from Bantul, Jogjakarta. My mom’s family is a huge family because there are seven children whom grandma has. In my little family, I have two brothers. Putu Yudhi Ristama is the oldest one, and Suputra Prabawa is the naughty youngest. So, I’m the only daughter.
When I was a kid, I had not gone to school, my parents always put me in such as a caring kids place. Vague in my memory I was screaming and crying after they let me stay there. The nanny told me that they were just going to the toilet, but when I run to see, there was nothing. They had gone and I am lonely. I was still crying, and then nanny forcedly carried me in my bed, storied bed, and I got the top one. Finally, I was in a deep slept. Over all, I didn’t remember much about my children under five’s period.
In 1997, I began to join in a kindergarten. I had leaded my playing phase for two years. In every morning, before my classmates and I came in to the class it was always started by a habit, singing a marching tune of my school. The sound was like this: TK-ku Pertiwi. Tigapuluh dua nomernya. Ketileng Indah letaknya..Di sanalah tempat aku belajar dan menuntut ilmu. Here, I learned how write A-B-C, count 1-2-3, sing and dance, but actually I spent a lot of time for playing. That was very joyful. There were many my naughtiness which adorned my kindergarten time. One that I remembered was when the teacher, Mrs. Tien –I still remember her name- asked all of her pupil to sing a kid song, Kelinciku, then my friend and I played scratching out like a cat. Mrs. Tien who had a lot of furrow, saw what we were doing then directly took our bag and picked them on the high wall so that we couldn’t take it. I was speechless and shy, but my friend cried beside me. Hahaha. That was a funny little memory.
Two years spending my time in the kindergarten, I registered in SD Negeri Sendang Mulyo 03 which was not far from my house. For six years, I was here studying and became a clever student. Proved, I always got the first rank in each receiving the report. I had followed the competition, ‘Lomba Menulis Huruf Jawa’, and I got the first winner for 3rd grade state. There were ‘Lomba Pesta Siaga’ and ‘Dokter Kecil’ that I was belonging in the big five. I also got the third winner when I followed try out in SMP Institute Indonesia. In 2005, after I passed the examination, in the farewell of my school it was announced that I got the best score with perfect scores in Math and English. What a glory period it was!
After graduated from elementary school, I felt that finding a new favorite school –Junior High School- was not easy. The others rival and I had to do the passed test to be able to come in SMP 2 Semarang. Even firstly I felt dag-dig-dug, finally I got my name on the receiving new students announcement. And for three years, I not only faced many new friends here but also found my best friends.
Unsatisfied with Junior High School certificate, I continued my education story to the higher level. As the same, I had to do the stepped passing test. Started from the lessons test –Math, Indonesian, Science, English- was in the first step then continued by TOEIC and psychotic test. And the last was interview step. As the result I passed it all with upon eighties. God really determined my live way for giving me a chance to study in SMA Negeri 3 Semarang. Far away, many obstacles had been handled well and I could hold out in this second grade of science right now.
By : Ayu Paramudita
XI-ia 6
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