Yogurt is a product processed from the milk fermented by adding good bacteria to these regular dalamnya.Bacteri we know as Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermopillus. Whereas word "yogurt" is derived from the Turkish language is derived from the word "yogun" which means "dense" and "thick".
By the way. . yoghurt is high in vitamins and minerals lho. .
First, you know yogurt drinks limited only placed in special glass. Now yogurt is not like that.
We can eat yogurt that looks like ice cream called frozen yogurt or froyo. There are also additional topping is to provide a lot of funny stuff. fruit, cereal, biscuit pieces, and others.
Whoops! types of yogurt is not only up to here. There are still some more.
- Kinds of yogurt on the basis of its kind:
- Dahi yogurt: yogurt from india has a unique taste. in English is called curd.
- Buttermilk or Dadiah: traditional yoghurt from West Sumatra. made from buffalo milk and is fermented in bamboo tubes
- Labneh: yogurt from Lebanon. if this yogurt has solidified to become mixed sandwich.
- Bulgarian yogurt : yogurt is very famous for its aroma and taste more creamy.
- Based on the texture of yogurt
- Set yogurt: yogurt with a thick texture is usually in the form of plain yogurt
- Stir yogurt: the texture is more watery than the set of yogurt, but still like ice cream and usually has added sugar.
- Yogurt drinks: if this is the name also was discovered. yogurt that can be drunk immediately and texture similar to liquid milk.
Yogurt also has some benefits
- For health: low-calorie yogurt and proved able to help us who are in a diet program.
- For beauty: yogurt can smoothen the skin because of lactose derived from yeast extract served as astrigent (freshener).
Nah it benefits the rich yogurt right? Therefore there is no harm in us to consume. .
BY: Failasofia
based on "kompas" newspaper articles
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