
Sunday 16 May 2010

Cry Engine 3 vs Unreal Engine 3

Most of games created nowadays which has high graphic and adaptive gameplay usually use either CryEngine or UnrealEngine . The newest engine created by Crytek GmbH company called CryEngine3 however can slightly beat UnrealEngine in a matter of detailed graphic. But,  this new feature requires a high spec of computer to support this heavy loading graphic. Here is the pros and cons between CryEngine and Unreal one.

CryEngine3 :
Characters and faces are becoming features of almost all modern AAA titles, and Crytek is in the vanguard of the quest to achieve realistic individuals in real- time graphics, as demonstrated in Crysis®. CryENGINE®3 brings together the most technically advanced, integrated and scalable animation and graphics technology to deliver astonishingly real characters to cross-platform games, at no extra licensing cost.

Pros :

- Better graphic
- More detailed character
- Creative and adaptive environment (the movement of grass, bird, smog, etc.)
Advanced 2D and 3D algorithms allow the AI navigation paths to be modified in real-time in response to events which may create, modify or destroy existing paths – a critical feature for creating believable AI in a highly interactive and destructible environment
 - better at creating more "interactive world"

Cons :
- Need high-end computer specification to see the maximum potential of the graphic
- Long loading graphic 

UnrealEngine3 :

Unreal Engine 3 is integrated with numerous leading middleware technologies through Epic Games’ Integrated Partner's Program. Continual optimizations are made to the Unreal Engine’s highly mature tool pipeline, massive world support and multi-processor performance. Unreal Engine 3's advanced toolset is designed specifically to accelerate developers' productivity for ultra-complex, next-generation content.

Pros :
- More stable running on mid computers
- Unreal Company had been the leader of game engine since many years ago, thus make this engine more secure and less bugs
- The fun fact that this company has been researching the next generation of gaming engine, called UnrealEngine4, and will have a chance to be equally matched with CryEngine3 in term of graphic quality

Cons :
- Lower graphic quality compared to CryEngine3
- Less detailed customization
- I personally think that this engine is quite old and that's why the teams worked up to the next gen of UnrealEngine

Summary :
Both are equally good if you just want to play a nice game without maxing its graphic and the gameplay, but I'll choose Unreal though because, yeah, CryEngine3 just need too high spec computer to be able to play it. Just look at the Crysis 2, the game that developed by Crytek GmbH company itself. Although it has wonderful and almost real graphic, too bad my computer can not support it QQ.

Well that's all about my opinion, if u still interested with CryEngine3, especially the game (Crysis 2, looks epic and must try haha), click here for the game or here for the engine that makes it. OK that's all hope this helps someone.

Muhammad Jundi Arrofi
XI IA 6 / 23

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