
Saturday 13 June 2009

hi, mr. R....
i will narrate experience LIVE IN in KALI LUMPANG village...

LIVE IN is very pleasant.
you know that, I get foster parents is very well... They are Mr. Suyono Sanah and Mrs. Suyono Sanah..... :)

In KALI LUMPANG , i'm with Intan. I get beautiful house.

First day and second day, isn't so special for me.... Why ??? I don't know...

Intan and I help mrs. suyono at stall...

when night, x-7 students and mr.Rohmadi are just sharing. when sharing, we narrate experience all day long....

third day is very nice.. I go to rice field with Intan and Mr. Suyono sanah...There, we passed by big river... There, I shouted my boy friend name... Do him hear my shouted?? Hahaha.... Intan and I in rice field for two hours. There is unforgettable experience for me...

In KALILUMPANG village, we also photographing. In my class, some my friend want photoes with AMANK..... haha... because him very attractive in my class (ndak yo... bukannya ada yg lebih menarik lagi di x-7 ? )


X-7 / 15

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